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Incoterms 2020 Train-the-trainer day
19 June 2019 @ 9:30 am - 7:30 pm
| Excl. VAT € 1500This study day is meant for individuals with:
- some experience of delivering internal or public training sessions in the areas of commercial law, trade finance, transport, logistics, customs, supply chain management and international trade;
- knowledge of the Incoterms® rules 2010;
- the ambition to deliver training sessions on the new Incoterms® 2020 rules.
The objective of the study day is:
- to provide an update on the characteristics of the new Incoterms® 2020 rules;
- to prepare participants for the online examination especially developed for the ICC Registered Trainer of Incoterms®2020 in Belgium by the ICC Academy (individual examination cost to be borne by each participant itself). The exam will be available in late July/early August 2019. The exam will be initially available in English only.
Interested members of ICC Belgium should contact Mathieu or Julie directly.
The registration cost for non-members of ICC Belgium is excl. VAT € 1.500,- (including membership to ICC Belgium until 31.12.2020). Registration, with a motivation letter, invoicing details and a short CV, via email to
Every trainer who wishes to become an ICC Registered Trainer on Incoterms®2020 in Belgium must complete the following requirements:
- Only trainers identified by ICC Belgium can apply to ICC to be an ICC Registered Trainer of Incoterms®2020 in Belgium.
- All trainers identified by ICC Belgium must already be trainers with classroom experience of teaching Incoterms and other trade tools.
- All interested trainers must take an online examination especially developed for this purpose by the ICC Academy. The exam will be available in late July/early August 2019. The exam will be initially available in English only.
- Anyone wishing to become an ICC Registered Trainer on Incoterms®2020 must receive a pass grade of 85% or more. All successful trainers will receive an ICC Academy certificate with a unique ICC Academy reference number.
- All successful trainers will be listed as ICC Registered trainers on Incoterms®2020 in Belgium by order of country with their reference number on a) the ICC website, b) the Incoterms® app and c) in the ICC Digital Library.
- All successful trainers on Incoterms®2020 can identify themselves “ICC Registered Trainer on Incoterms®2020 in Belgium”. It is important that the trainer be identified as an “ICC Registered Trainer on Incoterms®2020 in Belgium” and not simply as an “ICC Registered Trainer” or “ICC Trainer” because: a) The agreement to teach on Incoterms®2020 in Belgium will be between the trainer and the NC, not between the trainer and ICC Headquarters and b) we are recognizing the trainer as an ICC Trainer of Incoterms®2020 NOT as an ICC trainer in another subject.
- The trainer registration number will be valid for 2 years.
- ICC Belgium will identify their trainers according to an open and fair selective process, in compliance with the general charter communicated by ICC.
- All trainers who wish to apply to be an ICC Registered Trainer on Incoterms®2020 must enter into an agreement with ICC Belgium. ICC Registered Trainers are not allowed to use the “ICC Registered Trainer on Incoterms®2020” label for trainings that are not endorsed by ICC Belgium.
- ICC Belgium is responsible for monitoring the trainer, the quality of their trainings, and their use of ICC’s IP, particularly the logo and Incoterms®2020 text e.g. no photocopies of the rules in trainings; use of the ICC logo with the Incoterms®2020 logo only for ICC Belgium’s trainings, etc.
- Very important: All interested trainers will be required to sign a Non-Disclosure-Agreement (NDA) before receiving an advance copy of the Incoterms®2020 draft should he or she wish to prepare their training and sit the ICC Academy online exam prior to the official Incoterms®2020 launch date.