Members of ICC are entitled to receive the ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin free-of-charge, as part of their ICC membership. The Bulletin is published quarterly. The contents are prepared by an editorial team of 20 dispute resolution specialists from around the globe. The Bulletin is also available for non-members of ICC, at an annual subscription price of excl. VAT €180 or excl. VAT € 49,-/issue. (The members of ICC Belgium can always apply to receive a coupon code in order to download the file free-of-charge:
ICC Dispute Resolution Bulletin – Issue 4 2017 (eBook only)
€49,00 excl. VAT and Transport costs
Issue 4 – 2017 includes:
- International Court of Arbitration President’s message on current developments in the ISDS regime and ICC’s role and involvement therein.
- Three articles:
- Proposal for a Uniform Rule on Arbitrator Immunity
- A comparison of national approaches from France, UK, US and Singapore as to the extension of arbitration agreements to non-signatories
- Non-signatories and FIDIC-related jurisdictional issues in ICC construction disputes
- Two book reviews:
- A pioneer ICC publication on Dispute Resolution and Climate Change “Climate Change and Dispute Resolution: The Paris Agreement and Beyond”
- Second edition of the best-seller “International Investment Arbitration: Substantive Principles”
- Reports on ICC related events:
- Key takeaways on essential training for Tribunal Secretaries
- ICC side event at COP23: What role for Dispute Resolution in supporting the Paris agreement on Climate Change?
- A summary of the highlights from Paris Arbitration Week