ICC global policy commissions are specialised working bodies composed of business experts who examine major issues of interest to the business world. They prepare policy products, including statements to contribute to intergovernmental discussions, as well as rules and codes to facilitate international business transactions. Commission leaders are appointed by the ICC Chair for a three-year period, renewable for a second term at the Chair’s discretion.

In total, there are 12 global ICC commissions accessible to the professionals of the selected Belgian companies. Indulging yourself to join an ICC commission is opening the gate for a unique source of information and the opportunity to join, on a voluntary basis, groundbreaking initiatives in trade policy or rule setting. Each member company or association pays a yearly membership fee that allows an unlimited number of collaborators to join any ICC global commission. Each commission is active in rule setting and policy. While a considerable work is done with members online, the meetings of each commission are an invaluable opportunity for networking among peers from all over the world.

At the national level, ICC Belgium has established seven mirror commissions, known as committees, which closely follow the work of the global commissions. These committees play a critical role in translating global issues to the national context and in identifying cross-cutting topics that are relevant to multiple committees. This structure allows for a coordinated approach to addressing both national and international business challenges, fostering alignment between global and local priorities.