ICC Commission on Trade and Investment Policy

Commission mandate

To promote cross-border trade and investment by business and an open global economy to foster job creation, sustainable development, and improve living standards.

Get in touch with the BE committee on ICC Trade and Investment :  

Olivier Joris

EU & International Department


The commission examines major policy issues of interest to world business.

Trade Policy

The multilateral trading system is the guarantor of the consistency and predictability that are essential for companies to trade and invest across borders, as well as an insurance policy against protectionism.

The commission has followed the Doha Development Agenda negotiations closely since the launch of the round in 2001 and has developed detailed policy recommendations to World Trade Organization (WTO) members on the main issues under negotiation.

Find more information on Trade Policy work:

Investment Policy

Cross-border investment is a vital driver of global economic growth and conveys benefits to businesses and home governments that frequently may be overlooked. Domestically, foreign direct investment links local companies to global value chains, underwrites trade and export opportunities, and facilitates the inflow of capital, technology, and skills.

The commission tracks and provides input in international investment policy developments, with a particular focus on the work of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).