ICC Commission on Environment and Energy

Acts as a voice for global business, representing the interests of ICC members in global dialogues related to sustainability issues and problems.

With over 300+ members from tens of countries, the commission provides for a global forum including multinational corporations as well as representatives from industry associations in various fields of sustainability.


  • Prepare global business priorities on energy, including infrastructure investment and technological innovation, business systems, access, efficiency, security, and public-private partnerships.
  • Pursue the development of global business positions on climate change related to the entry into force and implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Paris Climate Agreement, including market- and non-market mechanisms, climate finance, and developing ICC views on trade and climate change as a joint project with the ICC Commission on Trade and Investment Policy.
  • Continue to act as the business and industry focal point in the UNFCCC process, organise activities and events including the Business and Climate Summit and related «Business days», side events, and representation in the technology and finance branches of the UNFCCC as well as the World Bank Climate Investment Funds.
  • Develop global business positions and tools on green economy and provide business input and expertise to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), in particular on the International Resource Panel and Green Economy Initiative.
  • Develop a global business position on water.
  • Prepare and advance global business priorities on biodiversity and provide related input to the Convention on Biodiversity.
Since the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, the need for sustainable use of resources and respect for the environment has become increasingly apparent.

The commission examines major environmental and energy related policy issues of interest to world business via task forces and thematic groups. The commission usually meets twice a year, though task forces and other thematic groups may meet more frequently.

Members set the commission’s agenda and determine priorities as well as provide officers to facilitate task forces and thematic groups in conjunction with the commission’s secretariat in Paris. Each national committee (NC) or group may appoint delegates to represent it at meetings and officers of the commission are appointed by the Chairman and Secretary General in consultation with NCs.

The commission provides business input by elaborating multi-sectorial business policy positions, achievements and highlighting business solutions to sustainability issues and problems. ICC works closely with the United Nations to facilitate business participation and involvement at UN-organized events, including the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the UN Commission on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) and the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD).

Moreover, commission members gain influence at the national level through ICC’s global network of NCs and at the international level through ICC’s privileged links with major intergovernmental organizations.

Vanessa Biebel, VBO-FEB
Isabelle Chaput, ESSENCIA
Sophie Mertens-Stobbaerts, SUEZ TRACTEBEL S.A.
Catalina Panoiu, MARSH SA/NV
Gauthier Van Thuyne, ALLEN & OVERY LLP – BRUSSELS

Gauthier Van Thuyne, ALLEN & OVERY LLP – BRUSSELS