Congratulations Lucas Boudet on your nomination as Vice-Chair within the ICC Global Marketing & Advertising Commission!
Lucas Boudet is the Director General of the European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA) in Belgium, where he supports the promotion of high ethical standards in commercial communications by means of effective self-regulation. EASA represents and coordinates advertising self-regulatory systems across Europe promoting the enforcement of principles enshrined in the ICC Advertising and Marketing Communications Code. Prior to joining EASA in 2016, he spent 12 years leading different self-financed independent French Chambers of Commerce abroad, in Belgium, Thailand, and South Korea. He has been actively engaged in the work of the ICC Global Marketing & Advertising Commission for the last few years and played a key role in leading the development of an ICC report on the benefits of advertising self-regulation.
Lucas Boudet said “I am deluged to have been appointed Vice-Chair of ICC Global Marketing & Advertising Commission. I would like to sincerely thank ICC’s leadership and ICC Belgium for their trust.
This appointment is a recognition of a longstanding relationship between our respective organisations. I believe it is also very meaningful because it will allow to capitalise on EASA’s policy work in Brussels and on its network of self-regulatory organisations and industry associations in Europe. It is important that the shaping of international self-regulatory rules is informed by statutory developments in Europe and by the relevant feedback provided by the independent and consumer-facing ad standard bodies who apply and enforce on a daily basis the principles enshrined in the ICC code.
Be assured I’ll do my uttermost to support the Commission’s work tackling the many challenges facing responsible advertising in the coming years.”