E-book !
The ICC Model Contract on Commercial Agency is for parties negotiating agency agreements abroad who face a major difficulty: the lack of uniform rules. There is no internationally agreed uniform legislation for agency agreements, and so parties have to rely on national laws. Not only do these laws differ from country to country, but they do not take into account the international nature of the contract.
Updated in 2015 to take into account recent developments in the law of agency, this model contract is not based on specific national laws; instead it incorporates the prevailing practice in international trade as well as the principles recognized by the domestic laws on agency.
This model contract addresses questions of sales through the Internet, indemnity, arbitration and the principles of law generally applicable to agency contract (“lex mercatoria”).
It includes a USB key presenting the text of the contract in a user friendly and fully editable format, allowing you to adapt the contract to your specific needs. The Model contract can be used time and time again.
Concise and practical, the ICC Model Contract on Commercial Agency meets the needs of both individuals and companies exporting as well as lawyers.
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