The ICC Model International Sale Contract is a time-saving tool for traders, business people, lawyers and all parties involved in important import/export- and cross-border sales transactions. It applies mainly to the sale of manufactured goods but can serve as an example to work on for other types of products as well.
This concise model is fair and balanced for all parties involved by clearly presenting a comprehensive set of rights and obligations. Providing clear directions to sellers and buyers, its introduction takes the parties step-by-step through the process – from A to Z covering: General characteristics of the contract, Scope of application, Termination of the contract and Dispute Resolution.
It includes a USB key which contains the full text of the model and its annexes, permitting you to easily adapt the contract to your specific case. If parties have no need to draw up a special contract of their own, they can use the entire model.
ISBN 978-92-842-0170-9
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